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MovieJawn Staff Writers Wanted

MovieJawn is a writing collective dedicated to a love of film in print and online and looking to add new writers to our staff!

Currently, our staff is all volunteer, but are given early access to the films they cover for review as well as complimentary editions of our quarterly print zine. In the future, we hope to offer monetary compensation for pieces as we grow.

MovieJawn wants to hear from writers whose personality shines through in their work, and our ideal crew members will pitch feature articles and/or write thoughtful reviews of new releases, as well as pitch articles for our quarterly print zine. We are looking for writers who are specifically interested in writing about indie cinema, classic film, world cinema, and films created by and featuring marginalized populations. 

Special considerations will be made for BIPOC, women, and LGBTQ+ writers who want to join the MovieJawn fam. 

If you are interested fill out the interest form here and we will be in touch soon!