Everything Old is New Again, Vol. 3: May and June 2018

by Hunter Bush

Howdy, cinemaniacs! Welcome to Everything Old is New Again (EOiNA to her friends), your bi-monthly update on Hollywood's long-standing love of Adaptations, Remakes, and Legacy Sequels. In fact, now that I think about it, the last two movies I watched as of this writing were both adaptations: Wayne's World was inspired by the popular SNL sketch and Full Metal Jacket was based on the book The Short-Timers by Gustav Hasford. See what I mean?

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Everything Old is New Again, Vol. 2: March and April 2018

by Hunter Bush

Hello there! Welcome to Everything Old is New Again, Vol. 2: March and April, 2018. If you're new to the column, EOiNA is where I spotlight some upcoming films that are inspired in some way by a previously existing concept, work or franchise: remakes, adaptations or long-gap sequels.

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12 Strong aka Horse Soldiers aka Them Horse Boyz

Directed by Nicolai Fuglsig (2018)
by Hunter Bush

I was instructed by Moviejawn HQ to focus solely on Michael Shannon for the duration of my viewing of 12 Strong; his performance, how his character's actions help move the story along, etc., etc. But that gets increasingly harder to do as the movie goes on. Here’s the bad news, gang: there isn't nearly enough Michael Shannon in this flick.

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Everything Old is New Again, Vol. 1: Jan. and Feb. 2018

by Hunter Bush

Hello all, and welcome to Everything Old is New Again, my new and improved regular column on Moviejawn dot com (the site you are currently reading)! As Jerry Seinfeld once wondered aloud (about Tide detergent no less) "How can something be both New AND Improved?" Well, I can't speak about Tide, but as far as this column goes, I can actually explain.

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