CLEANER is an overly polished but intense thriller
by Andrea Schmidt, Staff Writer
If Die Hard is a critique of globalization, what does a Die Hard critique of the environmental crisis look like?
by Andrea Schmidt, Staff Writer
If Die Hard is a critique of globalization, what does a Die Hard critique of the environmental crisis look like?
by Mo Moshaty, Staff Writer
With a modern noir twist which will be sure to satisfy mystery and mayhem lovers alike.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport and Editor in Chief
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to chat with Director, Rachel Lambert and Actor, Dave Merheje about the picture and its upcoming release.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
I connected with Fran due to Daisy Ridley’s unassuming yet purposeful performance. The bland colored cardigan wearing, meek office mate that would rather jump off a bridge than engage in small chat with a fellow coworker.
Written by Semi Chellas and directed by Claire McCarthy
Starring Daisy Ridley, Naomi Watts and Tom Felton
Running time: 1 hour and 54 minutes
MPAA rating: PG-13 for a scene of violence/bloody images, some sensuality, and thematic elements
by Emily Maesar
Listen. One day I’ll figure out if Daisy Ridley is a good actress outside of a giant franchise. I think she probably is, but Ophelia is another entry in her live-action filmography where the script gives her basically nothing to do. Not that the film gives anyone anything to do. I’d wager Clive Owen is in less than 20 minutes of the film, despite being the main antagonist…I guess? Naomi Watts is doing double duty, but who knows what either of her characters actually want. Honestly, It’s completely deranged.
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