by Nikkolas Nelson
This is a love letter!
This is a love letter!
This is a love letter!
This is a love letter!
-The Murder City Devils, “Grace that Saves”, R.I.P.
I credit my grandmothers for my love of movies. Like many children of the 80’s and 90’s, the television was very often my babysitter. And for whatever reason, I think because I had an older brother, there was very little supervision over what I watched. I think the general parental consensus was something like, ‘Whatever older brother watches is okay for little brother and if little brother gets scared then big brother is there to comfort him.’ But how it worked the majority of the time was my brother would put a movie on, and after about five minutes, he would get bored, and go trade baseball cards and play Nintendo with our cousin, leaving little Nikki on his oddy knocky to watch whatever.
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