Everything Old is New Again, Vol. 23 - January 2021

by Hunter Bush

Hello and welcome to 2021! As we bid a hearty adi-fuckin’-os to the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year that has passed, I want to offer my condolences to all of you reading this. I’m sorry, but it ain’t over yet. Things will still be rough for quite a while and we’ll be feeling the repercussions of 2020 for a long time to come, but I sincerely hope for all of our sakes that things are gonna start getting better. Fair warning now, I am writing this still within the confines of the bastard year. So there’s a chance that simply by wishing for good things I have doomed us all, but I prefer to think not. I choose to see it as manifesting my desires into existence and I hope you’ll all take a moment to take a deep, slow breath and put forth thoughts of goodness, positivity and light.

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Everything Old is New Again, Vol. 21 - November, 2020

by Hunter Bush

Howdy once again, y’all. This is one of the more difficult intros for me to write in my two-ish years on this column. I’m writing this before Election Day y’see and have no way of knowing what will happen, and it’s twisting up my guts not knowing. I’ve been putting it off and putting it off and now I’m into the final week of October and haven’t done diddly. By the time this comes out, things will hopefully be looking up, but there is the chance that they’ll be somehow even darker than before and that’s a reality that I’ve been chewing on for weeks. More likely that not though, they’ll be in some horrible liminal space where we don’t know what will happen.

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Everything Old is New Again, Vol. 20 - October

by Hunter Bush

Oh hello. I didn’t see you there.

I love when infomercials have that bit in them, don’t you? But it’s literally true in this case, because I’m actually writing this at least a week before you’re laying eyes on it, because that’s how writing a timed monthly column works sometimes. If you were somehow under the impression that this was shipped over to the internet “hot off the presses”, I’m sorry to ruin the illusion for you.

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